This is the second dumbest article I have read. Never in history have we had 8 billion people on the planet with a ridiculously complex supply chain, agriculture, transport and construction industry. Software is a recent invention without which out planet would never be able to sustain the number of people it is currently sustaining. How do you think your airplanes fly safely? without software, airplanes will be crashing every other week. Without software lots of goods and services will not have a worldwide scale. Without software, lots of medical facilities will not function (brain scan, complex surgical devices). Without software, modern day farming at huge scale will be impossible. Without software, A lot of complex 3D architectural work will be impossible, without software, lots of power plants, rail networks, water systems and dams will not be constructed efficiently. Without software a lot of enginnering work (electrical, mechanical, civil, water engineering, etc) will be really backwards. Microsoft excel alone is the life-blood of the entire finance industry. Without software, the movie and music industry as we know it will not exist. Without software, ambitious cities like Dubai would not have been a reality. Imagine a world without matlab, Autocad, Ansys, 3Ds max, photoshop, Excel, etc.
When you think of luxury/irrelevant software, you are probably talking about facebook, dating apps, uber, clubhouse, crypto mumbo jumbo, etc. I agree that lots of startup software are completely worthless. However, there are software out there that power the world we live in.